Here we are again, with the ninth issue of 14 by 14. Although I lengthened the interval between issues from two months to three after last December, the time still seems to flash by.
As always, I’m grateful to our selection panel and to our artist-photographer for their work. (Detailed acknowledgments and links are here.)
All fourteen sonnets in Issue 9 have been selected from our open submission process with “blind” assessment. Five authors are making their first 14 by 14 appearance: R.S. Clay, Penelope Gallogly, J. Patrick Lewis, John Milbury-Steen, and E. Shaun Russell. The nine returning authors, if I have it right, are Peter Austin, Yakov Azriel, Chris Bullard, Judith Graham, Jean Kreiling, David Landrum, Martin Parker, Henry Quince — and (wait for it) Catherine Chandler, with the triple hat-trick of nine appearances in nine issues! (And no, it’s not a “fix”!)
Fourteen different takes on a blessing or a curse, or a bit of both. With some of these it’s a matter of hunt the curse or blessing, but I’m sure it’s there somewhere. Enjoy!
Issue 10 is due out September 14, and we’ll be focusing on love sonnets. If you’re interested in submitting, please see the guidelines.